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Wednesday, September 13

All of the hard flooring (wood, tile, laminate) has been put in. We peeked under the edge of the protective cardboard and it all looks great, especially the wood and tile (no grout yet). I'd almost forgotten what they looked like, since we picked them out back in March. (Wow, has it really been almost 6 months ago?!)

All of the interior doors have been stained and are waiting to be hung up again. These turned out beautiful! I think they're going to be one of my favorite things about the house. We're so glad we went with this choice.

The stairway is all stained and looks great.

They've sanded the edges of the OSB floors awaiting carpeting.

The cabinets are in the garage waiting for installation.

It's been raining nearly everyday this week and we have a "moat" in the front of the house, complete with a bridge of wood planks to help cross it.

We actually owe a little bit more money, as the dirt removal and running the water lines was more costly than expected. Oh, well. Much better to have had emergency money built in and pay a little more, than to not, and have several thousand to pay out of pocket.

Perry told Candy at Schumacher Homes about our website showing the house build. She loved it and printed out all 58 pages to show at their production meeting!

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The next post in this blog is Friday, September 15.

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