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Tuesday, September 12

They're wanting the 4th draw on the construction loan! Only one more to go before it's ours!!!!

Today Schumacher let us know that closing will most likely be in early October!!! Only about a month to go! Perry and I are so excited!

The columns around the front door are up. It really gives the front of the house a very classic, traditional style. I love it! The best part is that it doesn't look like any of the other houses in the neighborhood (at least that we've seen so far).

The tile people were there until after 8:30pm working! So, we didn't get to look around inside. Hopefully we'll be able to tomorrow night.

However, since the garage door and the front door were both open, we were able to see that the cabinetry has arrived and is waiting for installation. (There were a lot of boxes in the garage.) And it looks like the stairway has been stained.

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