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Tuesday, August 8 - Garage insulation

We finished doing the garage insulation tonight. If I had a choice I would have finished tomorrow night, but Perry got on a roll and didn't want to come back again to face it. Looking back, I'm glad he made us finish, but it was hot, tiring work. Got home around 10pm.

Met some more of our neighbors. One at Trey's school & two tonight when they dropped off an invite to the neighborhood picnic on August 26th. Everyone we've met so far has been very friendly.

No more giant dirt hills in the yard! They finished grading. They had to haul away some dirt even after leveling out the backyard, which was pretty sloped.

You can really see where the driveway will be now. They "dug it out" so now it's just waiting for the concrete guys to finish it up.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 8, 2006 11:56 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Monday, August 7.

The next post in this blog is Wednesday, August 9 - Final window install.

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