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Who are these people?

If you are related to me, I need your help. I just scanned 10 photos that have been in our living room for a while, but I'm not sure who each person is. Can you help me put names to faces?

I'm interested to know the name of the person(s), the approximate date of the picture, and any futher description.

For instance, I know that Scan3.jpg is the newly married Albert (Red) and Donita Sheffler. I do not know what year they were married.

I appreciate your help. Just post a comment, or send me email.



Comments (3)


You are too funny! If I remember correctly this what your mom & I figured out. However, I don't have any dates.
1. Donita
2. Commodore & his wife?
3. Red & Donita
4. ? (Your mom thought maybe she was related on Pappy's side, but not sure)
5. Pappy
6. Red
7. Zenobia
8. Zenobia
9. Zenobia's parents (Thorntons)
10. Zenobia?

I believe we have some more info in family tree maker (wedding date, names of Zenobia's parents, etc.)

Hasalyn Harris:

Scan 1 - Donita Russell, about age 16
Scan 2 - Don't know maybe Donna can help.
Scan 3 - Red and Donita's Wedding Sept. 11, 1938
Scan 4 - Don't know, think it is the same lady as Scan 2
Scan 5 - Perry Irving Harris, about 1942, Gary Indiana, they were married in 41 and
I think they went to Gary before Texas. Before kids were born.
Scan 6 - William Albert Sheffler (Red) between 1930 and 1935 before Donita
Scan 7 - Zenobia Elenor Thornton about age 10
Scan 8 - Zenobia Elenor Thornton about age 20. I think this was before marriage.
Scan 9 - William Henderson Thornton and Anna Pearl Thompson Thornton, I think this
was Zenobia's Mom and not his second wife.
Scan 10 - Zenobia Elenor Thornton

Some of this guessing on age but I'm fairly sure about names. Need to double check
with Donna. She is the family historian.


Aunt Lana:

I'm not sure if the post was sent, so here goes (again).
4. Grandma Harris (Opal Shepard Harris)
5. Pappy
The others were right. I don't know for sure who the man and woman-the one where she is standing beside him). I've got the same picture, so if you find out who they are , let me know. Aunt Lana

Looking forward to seeing pictures of your new addition.

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