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September 2003 Archives

September 7, 2003

System BIOS settings can make a big difference

Well today I was trying to capture video from the camcorder and I wanted to use one of the two new 120GB drives I had installed. I use Pinnacle Studio version 8. When choosing a location to store the captured video, Pinnacle Studio first tests the drive to see if it is fast enough to read and write to. Both of my new drives failed.

Hmm, why is this. The short story is that I went into BIOS and noticed that the drives weren't configured in there. I also noticed that the fastest UDMA speed was set to ATA 33. All three drives in my system are ATA 100 drives. I tried the UDMA speed setting first. No luck. I then configured Primary IDE Drive 1 and Secondary IDE Drive 0 and 1 to Auto. Low and behold, the read and write times are 20-25 times faster than before.

Moral of this story...double check your configuration after you add new hardware. Simple things like letting your BIOS know what is installed can make a big difference.

September 14, 2003

Who are these people?

If you are related to me, I need your help. I just scanned 10 photos that have been in our living room for a while, but I'm not sure who each person is. Can you help me put names to faces?

I'm interested to know the name of the person(s), the approximate date of the picture, and any futher description.

For instance, I know that Scan3.jpg is the newly married Albert (Red) and Donita Sheffler. I do not know what year they were married.

I appreciate your help. Just post a comment, or send me email.



September 19, 2003

What's in your utility box?

Scott Hanselman's posted what he includes in his list of utilities, what's in yours?

Scott Hanselman's Weblog : Scott Hanselman's Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tools List

About September 2003

This page contains all entries posted to PHactotum Wheneverly in September 2003. They are listed from oldest to newest.

August 2003 is the previous archive.

October 2003 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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