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March 2003 Archives

March 1, 2003

Uno, Dos, Tres, and now Cuatro

Today we found out that Cuatro is on his or her way. Of course you won't find out for a few months. (We are keeping this entry in draft form for a while.)

We'll post more as we find out and figure out more, but they'll be hidden until the family knows.

March 9, 2003

New PC

Well, it is time to start thinking about building a new PC. I've had the bug since we got the new Digital Camcorder. I'd like to build a PC just for video editing. This means it will need a high end video card, a firewire connection, large hard drives, fast CPU lots of memory and a DVD/CD burner. I'd also like to make it as quite as it can be.

Our office (the one at home) is much too noisy. The first thing to reducing that noise will be fixing the fish tank. Listen to the office noise as I unplug the tank pump: speaker.bmp

As you can hear there is a lot of noise coming from the aquarium. Topping up the water helps, but it is still noisy. The rest of the noise comes from my laptop and my desktop.

Ideally, I would have a few quite PCs in the office, with a server or two in my non existent basement. The servers housing as much storage space as I can afford. I need space for MP3s, videos, etc. I also need backups of some sort.

We are also getting close to the time to start putting in filters on the internet. Need to keep Trey from getting to sites that aren稚 appropriate for him, as well as those where he can buy things.

Silent PC Review

I found a good site on silencing your PC: SilentPCReview.com

They have sections on:

  • Cases & Damping
  • Power Supplies
  • Cooling
  • Fans & Controls
  • Storage
  • Projects
  • and many more

Out of the mouth of babes

Watching cartoons today, one character hurts another...think anvil on the head....

Trey says, "Ow, that not nice. But its funny"

Loves Microsoft, Hates America

Just read this article by Adam Davidson, "Loves Microsoft, Hates America" (requires registration). I just don't understand why so much of the world hates America. Of course the more I listen to Bush, the more I do understand some of it. We can't continue to be bullies. Bush needs to get a clue and back down. Now before you flame me, I do agree that what Saddam does isn't right either. But two wrongs don't make a right.

In the article, Fadi has two dreams: to become a suicide bomber against America, and to be a very public programmer for Microsoft. Fadi, if America wasn't the way it is, Microsoft wouldn't exist. I don't even think PCs would exist as they do. I'm not saying that only in America could these be developed, but it was in America that they were. It was made possible by our freedoms. In cultures that repress thought, actions and speech, you can't advance as quickly as you can in a culture that encourages thought, actions and speech.

It seems that you hate us for the very things you wish to have. It sounds like envy to me. One of the 7 deadly sins.

I just do not understand.

March 11, 2003

Doctor's Visit #1

We went to the first doctor's visit for Cuatro. I left work early since the appointment was for 5:30. Trey fell asleep in the car and didn't want to go in. So Cherie went in and Trey and I listened to the radio in the car.

Doc confirmed that Cuatro should be here on or about October 27th. Cherie has to go to our regular doctors for the blood work on another day.

March 22, 2003

Piglets Big Movie

Today we went to see
Piglets Big Movie.

Trey had a good time. He had his own popcorn and drink. He covered his ears when it was too loud and watched the whole thing with earnest attention.

It was a good thing we went to the noon showing because he fell asleep in the car soon after we left the move.

New Server

Well I'm waiting on my first server for the home. Dell, yes Dell for those of you who know I work for IBM, had a great deal on their 600SC. The deal was you got a P4 2.4GHz for the price of a Celeron 1.8GHz. I upped the server to 512MB of memory, a second nic, 120GB of disk space and a CDRW/DVDROM. Now, why did I do the last? Well, backups for the CDRW part, and as for the DVD portion, many products are now coming in that form. An example is MS Studio .Net. I plan on getting that soon, so I can improve my programming skills.

MS Studio .Net

About March 2003

This page contains all entries posted to PHactotum Wheneverly in March 2003. They are listed from oldest to newest.

February 2003 is the previous archive.

April 2003 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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