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New PC

Well, it is time to start thinking about building a new PC. I've had the bug since we got the new Digital Camcorder. I'd like to build a PC just for video editing. This means it will need a high end video card, a firewire connection, large hard drives, fast CPU lots of memory and a DVD/CD burner. I'd also like to make it as quite as it can be.

Our office (the one at home) is much too noisy. The first thing to reducing that noise will be fixing the fish tank. Listen to the office noise as I unplug the tank pump: speaker.bmp

As you can hear there is a lot of noise coming from the aquarium. Topping up the water helps, but it is still noisy. The rest of the noise comes from my laptop and my desktop.

Ideally, I would have a few quite PCs in the office, with a server or two in my non existent basement. The servers housing as much storage space as I can afford. I need space for MP3s, videos, etc. I also need backups of some sort.

We are also getting close to the time to start putting in filters on the internet. Need to keep Trey from getting to sites that aren稚 appropriate for him, as well as those where he can buy things.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 9, 2003 3:36 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Silent PC Review.

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