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February 2003 Archives

February 6, 2003

Need to generate a WEP key?

Found this link while pursing Pocket PC Thoughts.

WEP Strong Key Generator version 2.1 by Warewolf Labs and Kraix.com Basically, this web page lets you generate either a random WEP key in 64, 128, 152, and 256 key lengths, or generate one based on a given custom key.

I know I had some problem a while back getting a new key inserted into my lap top so that it would work with my new key I created for the access point. I wrote a small vb program to convert the ASCII to HEX. This site takes it one step further and generates the ASCII text to begin with.

Pretty cool.

February 9, 2003

Interesting programs

HTML Image Page Builder and DBTray are two interesting programs I found at Sulaco - Software I have written.

The first program converts an image file to an html text file. Replacing the pixels in the image with colored text to match. Pretty neat effect.

The second program, DBTray, puts a Icon on your clock tray that does most of what MS SQL Enterprise Manager does, database info, SQL scripts, SQL query analyzer, etc.

There is another program simular to HTML Image Page Builder called BG_ASCII. It is a stand alone program that converts image files to ASCII art.

February 12, 2003

What to Expect at Richard Petty Driving Experience

I just read this article, that gives a real good impression of what to expect during the Richard Petty Driving Experience that I'll be doing in May (less than 101 days to go).

What is interesting is that this gives a better idea of what will happen when it comes down to the actual driving. There are only two cars out on the track, yours and the instructors, with the instructor in front. This is much better in that we won't be limited by the slowest in the group.

I can't wait. This is going to be a blast.

About February 2003

This page contains all entries posted to PHactotum Wheneverly in February 2003. They are listed from oldest to newest.

January 2003 is the previous archive.

March 2003 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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