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Harris Vacation 2002 Update

Well it is a week later and we have been at Brenda's for the last three days. Trey has come down with a cold. It started last night. He woke up every half hour complaining that his stomach hurt. During the day he has complauned, "My nose hurts." We have tried to talk him into "blowing" his nose, but get the velehement "No." Oh well the joys of parenting.

Brenda and Lance's house is beautiful. Both the house and the furnishings. Two stories, four bedrooms, living room, reading room with piano all with nine foot ceilings. My little sister has done well for herself.

Speaking of doing well, you should see Aja. She is a little darling. I was surprised by how light she was. I had fogot what it was like to hold a newborn.

I also got to go to Fry's Electronics. This store is Best Buy on steroids. They have built PCs, parts to build PCs, audio, video, toys, software, tools, electronic kits, appliances, etc. I was in heaven. Yet I held back and bought nothing. Cherie was so glad.

Vacation is wearing on us. I'd be happy flying home tomorrow. Yes, we would miss SF, and the aquarium, but I'm ready to be home and do work around the house. Of course Trey won't fly very well at all with his cold. We can only hope that his cold is much better by Friday.

Comments (2)


Dad and I have always found that ten days makes for a better vacaation in place of 14.
Glad you had a good time at Brenda's. She was so anxious for you to come out.
I'm ready for you to come home too. Ready for a visit. Love you, Mom

Serena Strazzulla Kokjer Greening:

Are you the Perry Harris with whom I went to Belmont (MA) High School, class of 1957? If yes, log on to the web site: http://www.bhs57.org and let's count you among the "found" alums. If not, do you know him?

I saw your name on a list of people from Belmont High School, class of 57, whose current address is unknown, and therefore was not contacted about the reunion. There is a big committee organizing our 45th reunion. As I live in California, I am not on the committee, but have made it a personal crusade to find our missing classmates. The reunion is Friday night October 25th at the Oakley country club in Watertown.

My maiden name was Serena Strazzulla. After 10 years in the Pasadena area, my husband and I moved back to the San Francisco Bay Area about 6 years ago.

Serena Greening
Alliance Home Mortgage
564 Market Street Suite #314
San Francisco, CA 94104
Tel: 415-989-0790
Email: sgreening@allhomemortgages.net
Efax: 415-480-1684

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