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Event 6: Prime Time

This one was fun.  Although, I knew what a Prime number is, I don't think I've ever learned methods to find them.  The method I used is fine for a small number, but really wouldn't scale.

Advanced Event 6 in the Microsoft Scripting Games 2008.

   1: '*********************************************************************

   2: ' Script Name: Event6.vbs

   3: '     Version: 1.0

   4: '      Author: Perry Harris (PHactotum)

   5: '     Updated: 8:45 AM Tuesday, February 26, 2008

   6: '     Purpose: Solves the 2008 winter Scripting Games Advance 

   7: '              Event 6: Prime Time

   8: '              

   9: '       Usage: cscript Event6.vbs

  10: '       Notes: 

  11: '    Keywords: 

  12: '  versioning: 1.0  Original release

  13: '*********************************************************************

  14: Option Explicit

  15: Dim StopPoint,StartPoint,i,j

  16: Dim Primes

  17: StopPoint = 200

  18: StartPoint = 2

  19: redim Primes(StopPoint + 1)

  20: For i = StartPoint to StopPoint

  21:     Primes(i) = True

  22: Next

  23: For i = StartPoint to StopPoint

  24:     If Primes(i) = True then

  25:         WScript.StdOut.WriteLine i

  26:     End If

  27:         for j = i to StopPoint

  28:             If i*j <=StopPoint then Primes (i*j) = False

  29:         Next

  30: Next



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