This one was fun. Although, I knew what a Prime number is, I don't think I've ever learned methods to find them. The method I used is fine for a small number, but really wouldn't scale.
Advanced Event 6 in the Microsoft Scripting Games 2008.
1: '*********************************************************************
2: ' Script Name: Event6.vbs
3: ' Version: 1.0
4: ' Author: Perry Harris (PHactotum)
5: ' Updated: 8:45 AM Tuesday, February 26, 2008
6: ' Purpose: Solves the 2008 winter Scripting Games Advance
7: ' Event 6: Prime Time
8: '
9: ' Usage: cscript Event6.vbs
10: ' Notes:
11: ' Keywords:
12: ' versioning: 1.0 Original release
13: '*********************************************************************
14: Option Explicit
15: Dim StopPoint,StartPoint,i,j
16: Dim Primes
17: StopPoint = 200
18: StartPoint = 2
19: redim Primes(StopPoint + 1)
20: For i = StartPoint to StopPoint
21: Primes(i) = True
22: Next
23: For i = StartPoint to StopPoint
24: If Primes(i) = True then
25: WScript.StdOut.WriteLine i
26: End If
27: for j = i to StopPoint
28: If i*j <=StopPoint then Primes (i*j) = False
29: Next
30: Next