Here is my submission for the Advanced Event 1 in the Microsoft Scripting Games 2008
1: '*********************************************************************
2: ' Script Name: Event1.vbs
3: ' Version: 1.0
4: ' Author: Perry Harris (PHactotum)
5: ' Updated: 12:04 AM Wednesday, February 20, 2008
6: ' Purpose: Solves the 2008 winter Scripting Games Advance Event 1: Could I get your Phone Number?
7: '
8: ' Usage: cscript Event1.vbs [phone number]
9: ' Notes:
10: ' Keywords:
11: ' versioning: 1.0 Original release
12: '*********************************************************************
13: Option Explicit
14: Dim strNumber
15: Dim colMatches
16: Dim objRegEx
17: Dim Nums
18: Dim objFS
19: Dim objFile
20: Dim strAll
21: Dim i
22: Const ForReading = 1
24: ' Retreive our phone number
25: if WScript.Arguments.Count < 1 then
26: WScript.StdOut.Write "Please enter a 7 digit phone number: "
27: strNumber = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine
28: else
29: strNumber = WScript.Arguments(0)
30: end if
32: 'Verify our phone number is 7 digits and only uses the digits 2 - 9
33: Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
34: objRegEx.Pattern = "[2-9]{7}"
35: Set colMatches = objRegEx.Execute(strNumber)
36: if colMatches.Count <> 1 then
37: WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "I'm sorry, we only accept 7 digit numbers using the numbers 2 - 9."
38: WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Please try again."
39: WScript.Quit
40: end if
42: 'Convert our phone number to a regular expression
43: set Nums=CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
44: Nums.Add 2, "[aAbBcC]"
45: Nums.Add 3, "[dDeEfF]"
46: Nums.Add 4, "[gGhHiI]"
47: Nums.Add 5, "[jJkKlL]"
48: Nums.Add 6, "[mMnNoO]"
49: Nums.Add 7, "[pPrRsS]"
50: Nums.Add 8, "[tTuUvV]"
51: Nums.Add 9, "[wWxXyY]"
53: for i = 2 to 9
54: strNumber = replace(strNumber,i,Nums.item(i))
55: next
57: objRegEx.Pattern = strNumber & "\r\n"
59: 'Open and read our WordList
60: Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
61: Set objFile = objFS.OpenTextFile("C:\Scripts\wordlist.txt", ForReading)
63: strAll = objFile.Readall
65: 'Now let's see if there is a match in our word list
66: Set colMatches = objRegEx.Execute(strAll)
68: If colMatches.Count > 0 Then
69: Wscript.StdOut.WriteLine colMatches(0)
70: else
71: WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Sorry, no Matches were found"
72: End If