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Wednesday, October 4

A lot happened today. The driveway and sidewalk have been poured. They look really good and make it look more like a home and not just a house sitting in a lot. They put in some nice touches, too. The turn-around pad has a little lip on the back side, so no one will just drive right into the yard by accident, and there's a graceful curve where the sidewalk meets the driveway. We're really happy with how it looks. We also had them go ahead and pour the concrete for our light column out front, so we owe more for that.

The cabinet guys were in to finish up. We now have a completed island. The hardware is on and the kitchen cabinets have their crown molding.

The electricians were also there today. They have all of the outside lights up, doorbell installed, most of the inside lights are in place, as well as the switches and outlets (except for the ones that need to be moved).

Our doorknobs and lock sets are also there waiting for installation.

Perry had Sears hold off on delivering the appliances until next Friday, since everything was a bit delayed this week. That way they can actually install everything and not just set it in place. Mike was hopeful that most things would be done by then.

Lots of little things left to be done, but the end IS in sight!

OK, Perry said I HAD to tell the story, so here's a firsthand account of how we "saw" the house and noticed what had been done. We really aren't usually this unobservant, but we were quite overwhelmed with all of the new stuff to be seen - obviously.

We pull up to the house and notice how great the concrete looks. I quickly take a few pictures of the front of the house, before it gets too dark. We ooh and aah over how nice the driveway and sidewalk look and walk around the concrete just in case it's not quite dry yet. Since we're at the back of the house by now, Perry notices that the A/C unit is plugged in, so we know that the electricians have been in. Yeah! As he's getting ready to unlock the door by the garage, Perry happens to look up and says something to the effect of "How blind can we BE?!" I have no idea what he's talking about, the gutters have been on for quite some time now. Then I see them. "LIGHTS!", I shriek. When taking the pictures just a few minutes before I didn't notice the light by the front door, since I was concentrating on showing off the sidewalk.

As we step inside the garage we notice that the large pile of lighting fixtures has shrunk considerably. We take off our muddy boots and since I'm done before Perry, I wait patiently for him so that we can check things out together. Walking into the kitchen I first notice the hanging light fixture and quickly go into the dining room to see that one. Then I go back to the kitchen (where I notice that the cabinet hardware is on) and Perry is commenting how they got the island cabinet installed and he's looking at it intently. We also notice that all of the switches and outlet covers are on..... Upstairs is more of the same - lights are up, cabinet hardware on....

On the way home we are talking about what what work is left to be done and I wonder out loud if the crown molding is on the cabinets yet. I flip through the pictures on the camera to see and there it is. We hadn't seen it when we were there. Perry commented that he couldn't believe we missed it and I said that we were so enamored with all of the pretty lights and shiny silver knobs that we just didn't see it. And at that Perry looks at me and questions, "There's knobs on the cabinets?!" LOL!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 4, 2006 9:54 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Thursday, October 5.

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