« Friday, October 20 - Refrigerator and Heat | Main | One Month Later »

Tuesday, October 24

We are so close. The carpet guys have been in and installed all the carpet. We are very happy that Mike called and asked us if we wanted the carpet installed as a runner or to run all the way to the wall on the stairs. We didn't think we had a choice on this, and love the fact that we have it installed as a runner.

Paint guys painted the patch from moving the electrical outlets above the kitchen cabinets down.

The cleaners have also been in. They've removed almost all of the cardboard on the floors, swept the floors, and cleaned up the rooms.

The HVAC guys have been in. They hooked up the fireplace. They also ran a line for the furnace to run the condensation from the furnace to the sump pump well. Unfortunately they ran the pipe across the basement floor. This just doesn't work for me. Their is a floor drain right in front of the furnace, but they didn't use that for some reason. Having this run across the floor is a safety hazard.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 24, 2006 10:12 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Friday, October 20 - Refrigerator and Heat.

The next post in this blog is One Month Later.

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