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Friday, September 29

We haven't been inside the house for a week. A few things have happened since then. Our missing island cabinet is there waiting for installation, our lights that were purchased with the house are sitting in the garage waiting for the electrians and the tile surround for the master tub is finished off. The garage was also cleaned up.

As we were leaving we met the FedEx truck with a delivery for us. It turns out that it was part of our cabinets. When Perry called Mike to let him know that there was a delivery, Mike said he was wondering why they had shipped it separately and was planning to call on Monday to find out where it was. Luckily, we happened to be there at just the right time. Mike also let us know that this next week there should be lots of activity going on. The concrete should be poured on Monday, the electricians will be back and the countertop guys will be in to measure.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 29, 2006 9:43 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Monday, September 25.

The next post in this blog is Monday, October 2.

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