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Setting up a home office

So as I contemplate a new house, one of the things I thinking of is the home office. David Hewson, makes some good points in davidhewson.info: Creating an office for writing.

It would be really nice to remove all the fan noise from the office. And simplefying things is always a good thing.

I do think that I'll continue to need a large machine, such as the server. The family needs a space to store things centrally, and the extra power and memory help with setting up virtual systems for testing.

But maybe they don't need to go in the office. Perhaps somewhere in the basement.

So, where do you build a home office? First floor, upstairs with the bedrooms? Down in the basement?

I'm not sure. One thing I am sure of, you don't build it in a room that is a passageway. There should only be one door, and that should be lockable.


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