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What a rush

It's taken me a week to write about it, but I finally got to drive a race car.

On Saturday May 24th, I went around the Chicagoland speedway 8 times with a high speed of 138.97 MPH. It was a great experience.

I remember the seccond corner, this is the corner where you are leaving the apron, and going on up the track. I remember thinking, "I can't just give up here, I have to do this, or I'm going straight into that wall."

I also remember that I saw very little other than the instructor's car ahead of me and the flag stand. I didn't see the tach after the first corner. I didn't see the oil light. I really got tunnel vision.

Would I do it again? Every chance I get. If I could go right now, I'd do it.

What would I say to others thinking about doing this? I would suggest the ride along first. I didn't do this, but I think that if I did, I may not have gotten so tense and may have seen more than the instructor's car. Also, wear a hat and sun screen. I received a very bad sunburn because I didn't do either.

Look for photos soon. And maybe a short video.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 1, 2003 11:18 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Pre - Finding Nemo.

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